Coming Soon...
Birubi Technologies was originally devised as a collaboration between a family-owned balloon decoration business based in Melbourne, a gifted technical engineer with over 15 years connection to the balloon industry and a computer software engineer with deep and broad international technical experience.
Through relationships developed with international businesses and partnering with worldwide leaders in design and development Birubi creates products expressly for the balloon and party industry.
Progressive in our approach, products and delivery, Birubi strives to grow with our clients. Creating mutually beneficial relationships, meaning our partners have the tools they need to succeed – at pricing that is world first.
Established with the ever-expanding international market in mind where new trends can travel the world almost instantly.
With an unmatched product quality guarantees across the range and un-paralleled member support means Birubi can simply offer more!
Aboriginal philosophy is known as the Dreaming and is based on the inter-relation of all people and all things.
This inter connective ethos is mirrored in everything we do. From our name Birubi – which means 'Southern Cross' to our logo of Budgial the turtle. A symbol which in many traditional cultures symbolizes longevity and our peaceful walk on mother earth.
As proud Australians and New Zealanders we acknowledge the traditional custodians of our land that we live, laugh, work and prosper on.
Isn't it time you joined the Birubi family?